*NEW* Full-Time Kindergarten Now at E.E. Oliver Elementary

E.E. Oliver Elementary School will offer another option to Kindergarten students in Fairview: a full time Kindergarten programming option beginning in the 2024-2025 school year.
"Our vision at the PRSD is to be the first choice for students, and part of being the first choice is offering the educational options that parents are asking for," said PRSD Superintendent Adam Murray.
Currently, the Kindergarten programming at E.E. Oliver Elementary School offers a Monday/Wednesday program and a Tuesday/Thursday Kindergarten program. Moving forward, these programs will continue to exist, alongside a third full day, full-time option. Parents of E.E. Oliver Elementary School upcoming Kindergarten students are encouraged to contact the school to find out more information about the options available for their child in the 2024-2025 school year.